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Indie Musician Resources is your hub to guide you to the best learning resources for musicians and producers. Resource LibraryWe took the time to curate the best sources of music and audio education so you can spend your time learning.
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The Indie Musician Resources
There are 5 fields of knowledge and skills that go into making and releasing a song successfully. Taking the time to learn more about these topics, will help you become more sucessful.

The 5 Best Monitor Isolation Pads for Better Sound
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PianoForAll Review: The Best Course For Piano?
As a hobbyist piano player, or maybe I should say more accurately, aspiring piano student, I have tried many of the subscription-based piano learning apps, various books, and other methods. I was looking for a course or method that would help me with my specific goals...
Simply Piano Review: A Complete Look Into This Piano Learning App
Have you been looking for way to learn piano through your phone? Then you probably have probably searched through you app store and have seen the app Simply Piano. Simply Piano is a piano learning app created by JoyTunes. I have always been skeptical of gamified...
What is an EP And Why You Should Release One?
You have probably seen some of the major artists these days dropping EPs. This has been a trend the past decade, but what brought the EP back from the dead, or did the EP ever disappear? What is an EP in Music? The term EP comes from the vinyl days and means "Extended...
eMastered Review : Still Bad..Find Out Why
You have probably checked out some of the automated online mastering services such as Landr, Cloudbounce, and Aria Mastering. These are all companies that are touting using advanced AI algorithms to create top-notch masters. While I am not going to go into the debate...
The 3 Best Budget Audio Interfaces Under $200
If the computer is the brain of your home studio setup, that would make your audio interface the heart of your home studio. The main purpose of the audio interface is to take analog signal inputs and turn them into a digital signal for your computer. Everything in...
Everything You Need To Know About Digital Distribution
Getting your music on Spotify, Apple Music, and all of the other download and streaming platforms really makes you have the feeling that you really accomplished something and that you are on the right track with your music career, especially if it's the first time you...
What is a 360 Deal? What You Need To Know About A 360 Deal
You're an independent artist and a record label comes up to you with a contact, a 360 deal also known as a multi-rights contract. What would you do? I hope to give you the information you need to help you with that decision if it ever happens to you. What is a 360...
How To Learn Music Theory | The Best Way For Beginners To Learn
What is music theory? Music theory aims to create a system understanding how sounds interact with each other. With this system, musicians can communicate their ideas to one another. That sounded way to formal, but music theory has a tendency to make things more...